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December 6, 2014

Soaking and Sprouting: Your Simple Guide

Soaking and Sprouting Most people don’t realise the importance of breaking down whole grains, beans, […]
December 3, 2014

Manual or Electric Toothbrush: Which is Best for Brushing?

Confused as to what to use when brushing? Are you constantly asking yourself if you […]
November 29, 2014

SHDC | Fluoride Question

 We were recently asked the following question from a concerned parent in regards to dental […]
November 26, 2014

Why Vitamin D is Important?

Why you need Vitamin D? Your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium and to […]
November 23, 2014

SHDC Team | Nonna | Receptionist

We’ve introduced you to our Practice Manager Lynda, to Dentist Josh and now it’s time […]
November 22, 2014

How To Use Mindfulness to Combat Stress and Improve Sleep

Imagine this: you’re lying in bed, tired and exhausted. Staring at the clock and counting how many […]
November 21, 2014

Recipe: Sauerkraut

Why should I eat Sauerkraut? Sauerkraut is a simple dish that uses cabbage and salt […]
November 20, 2014

Controlling Periodontal Disease Through Diet

We were recently asked by another dentist our thoughts on diet modification for the control […]
November 17, 2014

Oil Pulling – The What, Why and How

With oil pulling gaining so much attention attention recently we decided to break down the […]
November 12, 2014

Inspiring Health Videos That Will Change Your Day

We’ve already shared a couple of our favourite inspiring health videos and today we thought we would […]
November 8, 2014

How to Provide the Best Oral Health for the Entire Family

Parents are the main roll models for their children and family. It is the parents decisions on […]
November 5, 2014

SHDC Team | Josh | Dentist

We’ve introduced you to our Practice Manager Lynda, and now we’d like to introduce you […]
November 1, 2014

5 Methods To Help Reduce Stress

Your body is designed to fight for survival. The reflexes we have are responses to […]
October 29, 2014

SHDC Team | Lynda | Practice Manager

At SHDC we’ve been linking oral health to general health since 1983 – that’s a […]
October 24, 2014

4 major causes of a dry mouth

The common symptoms of dry mouth include: Difficulty speaking Altered sense of taste Mouth sores […]
October 18, 2014

Root Canal Therapy and Cancer: A Holistic Dentists Opinion

Root canal therapy and cancer “97% of all terminal cancer patients previously had this dental […]
October 10, 2014

Health Tip #1 – Remember to Floss

This week’s SHDC health tip: Remember to Floss! Flossing your teeth daily is just as important […]
September 29, 2014

4 Ways to Calm Down Before Bed

Do you often find yourself feeling stressed out before bedtime? If you do, you are […]