Holistic Dentistry

November 21, 2022
healthy holidays

8 Ways to Manage Stress & Enjoy Happy, Healthy Holidays

November 5, 2022
Mouth breathing

Mouth Breathing: Why you need to pay attention

Mouth breathing can cause several serious health conditions that go unnoticed for years. It can […]
October 3, 2022

Sharing Life in Times of Need

Learn about Share Life, an organisation that aims to raise awareness in Australia about organ donation and transplants.
September 7, 2022

How Gum Disease Can Affect
Your Overall Health

August 25, 2022

Our Holistic Health Model at SHDC

August 7, 2022

The SMART Protocol for Mercury Amalgam Removal

August 1, 2022

Mercury Amalgam Detoxification:
Nutritional & Supplement Support

July 1, 2022

Holistic Dental Treatment: The Most Common Questions

What is a holistic dentist? A holistic health practitioner looks at all parts of the […]
July 1, 2022

Winter Warm Up Tips: Eat Well, Be Positive, Move More