Why Breathing Well is Important

Why Breathing Well is Important

Breathing is something we do from the moment we are born to the moment we die. Apart from our heart beating, breathing is the next most frequent bodily function. The secret to living a long life is to keep breathing for as long as you can, but the “secret” to living a longer healthier life is to breathe well for as long as you can. It’s why SHDC have included breathing as a major pillar of health, with the belief that there is more to just breathing than staying alive.

We breathe to provide oxygen for our body and also to remove waste products, like carbon dioxide. People think that oxygen is the key to breathing well, and it’s most certainly what we are trying to achieve when we breathe – that is, to deliver the right amount of oxygen to every cell to allow every cell to work at its best. But in the process we forget that there are other factors that ensure we do that, breathe, as well as we can. In yoga they say “life is in the breath” to which I would add, breathing well will make for a healthier life.

Breathing well means:

  • In and out through the nose rather than being a mouth breather
  • Using your diaphragm to breathe efficiently, utilising the whole lung with the minimum amount of energy (if your tummy goes out when you breathe then you are using your diaphragm)
  • The right breathing rate 8-12 breaths per minute and volume of air for each breath
  • A reservoir level of CO2 above 35mm but preferably at the optimal 40mm mark
  • And a Breathing Trigger that responds appropriately, allowing you to maintain this healthy position.