Dental Implants

Dental implants are an excellent long term solution to replacing tooth loss.

Dental implants can be used to replace both single and multiple teeth, and can also be used in association with removable dentures to anchor or improve the stability of the dentures.

Unlike other options that may be uncomfortable (dentures) or affect your natural tooth structure (bridges), dental implants can be both a great functional and cosmetic solution.

It is important to note that each individual will have a unique set of circumstances that may influence which is the best option to replace missing teeth.

Dental implants have a very high success rate and longevity.

There are three major considerations you should consult your dentist about when investigating dental implants:

  1. Are you allergic or hypersensitive to the metal used?
  2. What is your general health status? If you have a compromised immune system the longevity of the implant can be affected. At the Sydney Holistic Dental Centre we conduct a thorough medical assessment to assess if you are suitable for dental implants.
  3. Why were the teeth lost in the first place? If you lost the tooth or teeth due to tooth infections, the dental implant may not last. You should always address the original problem first.

Placement of an implant to replace a single tooth when compared to placing a fixed bridge offers many advantages including:

  • preserving tooth structure on the adjacent teeth, which would have to be reduced to support a fixed bridge.
  • allowing better access for cleaning between the teeth when compared with a fixed bridge.

Is everyone suited to dental implants?

Implants can be a better restorative alternative to root canal treatment and the subsequent restoration in a heavily broken down tooth.

Specifically, some of the benefits of dental implants include:

  • Improvement of appearance
  • Restoration of normal eating and speech
  • Improved denture retention

Potential disadvantages of Dental Implants:

  • Metal Sensitivity is rarely considered but is still a potential problem of dental implants
  • Metal Hypersensitivity (allergy) is a complex phenomenon whose characteristics are still not completely understood.

Signs & Symptoms

You would generally consider an implant as a treatment option to replace a missing or missing teeth.


There are a number of different types of implants available.

Implant options:

  • Single tooth replacement
  • Multiple tooth replacement
  • Full mouth replacement or full denture support

Full mouth reconstructions supported on implants instead of full upper and lower dentures can provide results comparable to natural dentition. This can be achieved in either of two ways:

  • by placing implants to which fixed bridges are attached.
  • by placing implants which can support removable dentures.

The Procedure

From start to finish, placement of an implant can take up to 6 months.

The first step is an evaluation of whether this is a suitable option for you. This involves a detailed medical history, and some diagnostic scans that provide us with a detailed view of your jawbone.

Once the procedure moves forward, a titanium screw (replacing the root of a tooth) is inserted into the jawbone to replace the missing tooth.

Once the implants have integrated into the bone (usually 3-6 months) an abutment and crown can then be placed as the final restoration of the tooth or teeth is complete.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are small titanium screws that can be placed into the jawbone. They have two functions.

  • to provide a platform on which to construct crowns or bridges to replace missing teeth.
  • to preserve the bone from eroding away after teeth are lost.

Dental implants can be used to replace both single and multiple teeth, and can also be used in association with removable dentures to anchor or improve the stability of the dentures.

What material is used?

Titanium is used for the screw. This integrates with your bone.

We use ceramic restoration for the crown that sits on top.

How long does it take?

Approximately 6 months from start to finish. This could depend on your body’s healing ability and therefore varies from person to person.

How long will it last?

Dental implants have been used in dentistry for 30 years. Research has shown that 90% of dental implants can expect to last for 25-30 years if excellent oral hygiene is maintained.

What are the alternatives?

How can implant improve eating and digestion?

As your mouth is the start of the digestive tract, it is vitally important to the way you absorb nutrients from ingested food. Teeth are designed to assist this digestion process and assist in the absorption of nutrients.

The first part of digestion is the action of chewing your food. This increases the surface area of the food and covers food in saliva, allowing nutrients to more easily broken down and more available for absorption. It goes without saying, that you need teeth to chew your food.

To chew our food correctly we ideally need teeth that meet. If we have a missing tooth or missing teeth, we can replace them with dentures, bridges or dental implants.

What are the advantages of dental implants over dentures?

One of our patients has recently started treatment for 4 dental implants – at 90 years of age! Why start this at 90? One of the main reasons is due to the advantages of dental implants over dentures.

A denture will normally rest on the gum while the dental implant is integrated into bone. Unlike dentures, dental implants fuse with your jawbone meaning they are fixed. Dentures may move and irritate the soft tissues in the mouth.

So much of your everyday life relies on your mouth and teeth to be in working order (eg. eating, talking, smiling, laughing, yawning or coughing). These implants will allow her to enjoy life without worrying about her denture.

Can dentures and dental implants be used together?

Yes. Dental implants can not only replace the need for dentures altogether, but can be used in conjunction with dentures. When used simultaneously, dental implants can improve the stability of dentures and therefore improve comfort and function.

What are the advantages of dental implants over bridges?

Dental implants also have advantages over dental bridges. Unlike a bridge which is anchored to neighbouring teeth, a dental implant integrates with jaw bone. A very important distinction is the preservation of adjacent teeth which are normally reduced to support a fixed bridge. Dental implants also allowing better access for cleaning between the teeth when compared with a fixed bridge.

In general, dental implants can be used for much more than an improvement in looks, but also facilitate an improvement in functionality. This improved functionality will allow you to eat the healthy foods to be at your optimal health.

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